Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Spring cold and sparkling sparks.

Don't know how it happened, but somehow I picked up a nasty Spring cold germ, and am a tad under the weather this week so I don't think there will be many blog postings until my heads clears.  Everyone else in the family is fine, but I am struggling to keep my foggy head off the pillow...snuffle, sneeze, wheeze!

I took some sinus meds the other night to help clear my head so I could sleep, but all they did was wind me up and make me so hyper I couldn't sleep.  Groan!  I did get my act together enough to go to Danica's Sparks ceremony last night though, and was very glad I did.  It was a special night for her, and I am glad I could share in her joy.

I couldn't pick my favorite picture of the night, so decided to post them all here for your enjoyment.  She was certainly a sparkling Spark that night.

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