Tuesday, January 18, 2011

At the window

I just loved this picture when I walked into Smudge's bedroom last week and saw her and JJ looking out the window. There wasn't much room on the top step of the stool, so Smudge was hanging on tight to her little brother.
I took two more pics, but the first one is the best. Enjoy!


Lorna said...

Didn't you realize that those children could escape through that window? what kind of grandmother are you? Oh, I just listened to the "otherness" thing on TED, and I'm sure you have a good reason.

Cuppa said...

Lorna - wanna do lunch?

Jinksy said...

That plastered a smile on my face for the rest of the day! Thanks!

Cuppa said...

Jinksy - you're welcome. Sure made me smile too.

Mary said...

Lovely pictures.