The girls come home today, so I should get my hands on lots of pics over the weekend, so I can post a ton next week. In the meantime let me share this one last one I have of the family with you.

We are heading to RW for the weekend. Talk to you all again on Tuesday.
Hi Betty,
I do not know you, but am looking for the doll saranella, and I saw you had one on your site................any ideas on where I can get one for my daughter as I had one when I was a little girl as well.
Hi Lisa
We have also searched for another Saranella doll and can't find them anywhere. We found a mark on the back of her head that says "made in Italy", but there is no other hint about what company made her.
We had another blog friend contact us about her last year. She has searched high and low for this doll too, and can't find her. If you do find out where to purchase her, please let me know.
Good luck in your search.
What a Wonderful family! Much happiness to them, Always! Dropped in from Anvilclouds blog...
Hi Donna - thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Hope you visit again soon.
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