Our world continues to tilt and whirl at an ever increasing rate of speed, and this week I am having trouble keeping up. Wedding plans are clicking into full throttle, art projects demand attention, lawns and gardens need tending, a good mystery book called my name, and of course Smudge is on the move full speed ahead these days. Not only is she walking, she also wants to be in the driver's seat of her little bus.

After a tour of duty on her bus route, she is ready for a nap, and this is her way of telling us it is time for a snooze. She toddles down the hall with her blankies clutched in her chubby little hands and we know a session in the rocking chair is called for.

After her nap she is bright eyed and ready to go again.

Hold onto your hats the speed is about to pick up. Enjoy the ride.
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