The morning walk is getting to be a ritual that Smudge really likes. I get her coat on while Grandpa is getting his shoes on, and she waits for him anxiously at the door.
There is a world out there to explore Grandpa. Let's get going. 
She comes home from the walk all rosy cheeked and wind blown, with treasures clutched tightly in her little hands. Grandpa picks these "flowers" for her at the beginning of the walk and she holds them all the way there and back.

What exciting gifts the world has to give her every day, and she enjoys unwrapping each one of them. We sit at the front window and watch Robins hunt worms on the front lawn, and Crows bounce on hydro wires. The big yellow school bus always draws her attention, and the garbage truck coming down the street is an event she doesn't want to miss.
From quiet yellow dandelions to noisy yellow school buses she enjoys them all. Let's learn a lesson from her and take joy in unwrapping all the gifts of today.
What a beautiful post...
You have given me food for thought Cuppa!
I've just parked in a busy car filled parking lot, with lots of hussle and bussle. Just to the left of me there was a fence and about thirty Starlings. I think they were doing relays! :o) How easily these things can be missed!
I wonder how many droopy daisy chains you will gifted with over the years. My mum used to wear the ones from my daughter as a tiara... she couldn't take it off til the petals were going brown!
(You do give me some lovely memory triggers!)
Daffy - Daisy chain tiaras, something wonderful to look forward to.
Your comment about the Starlngs made me think of a favorite Mary Oliver poem. It is too long to post here, so I will put it up on my blog for you. Enjoy!
Your posts always bring a smile to my face and make me take a minute to be thankful for what I have in my life. Thank you for that!
R&N's Mom - glad you stopped by for a visit. Being thankful always makes the day a bit brighter doesn't it? It's the little things that add up to mean a lot. Enjoy each one of them.
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