Monday, October 06, 2014

Danica at Riverwood

Before I close the Riverwood picture folder for this year,I thought I would post these pictures of Danica at the farm. 
Here she is spending a few quiet moments with Buppa on the front porch first thing in the morning.

Later that day she sat on the porch and worked on her art journal.  Auntie Heather had us all enthused.
One afternoon the girls spent some time in the Playner Mill, and Danica was dancing to the song "I wear my sunglasses at night"  She really played the part.
Walking through life with enthusiasm, that's Danica.
She took my camera for a walk around the grounds one day, and came back with this picture of the rock cairn marking Zeus's grave.
Later she posed with the another rock memorial by his grave.  He was a much loved dog. 
You can read more about Zeus here.   Zeus - King of the Dogs

1 comment:

Danda Bear said...

Great blog I enjoyed reaading