Back in 2006 we went to the National Gallery, and experienced a most amazing musical display in the Rideau Chapel. I raved about it to anyone who would listen, and my sister listened with BOTH ears.
I received a newsletter from the National Gallery informing me that this most awesome musical display was back for a limited time so The Tuckers planned a trip to our area so we could all experience The Motet together. Below is a picture of the sound system in the Rideau Chapel, inside the National Gallery.
Rideau Chapel
The publicly and critically acclaimed Forty-Part Motet
is back on display at the National Gallery of Canada for a very limited
time. This brilliant sound sculpture by Canadian artist Janet Cardiff
is a reworking of Spem in Alium by Thomas
Tallis, a 16th-century English composer. Forty separately-recorded choir
voices are played back through 40 speakers positioned around the
Gallery’s Rideau Chapel.
The effect of the work on visitors is deeply moving, earning it a
popularity rarely encountered by contemporary art. "Most people
experience this piece now in their living rooms in front of only two
speakers," said Janet Cardiff. "Even in a live concert the audience is
separated from the individual voices. Only the performers are able to
hear the person standing next to them singing a different harmony. I
wanted to be able to climb inside the music."
The entrance to the National Gallery, with a view of the Parliament buildings off to the left. |
Heather and I checking the map inside the Gallery for directions to the Rideau Chapel. |
We finally found our way around and sat through two presentations of the music. Cameras were not allowed in the chapel, so I have to make do with the one in the newsletter above.
While the Tuckers toured the European gallery, AC and I went to rest our weary backs in the cafeteria. Below is a picture taken through the windows along the back wall of the Gallery.

By the time we finished trekking through the Gallery, it was time to head over to the Byward Market for dinner. There are lots of pubs to choose from, but we settled on The Highlander, and it was a good choice.
Good food, good service and great company. |
The Byward Market is such a fun place to saunter through. |
After dinner we walked over to the Crystal Garden Winterlude Display. |
We walked along the Canal, but this is a view looking down on it on our way back to the car. |
What a fun and fabulous day.