Sunday, July 14, 2013

Donation taken to the Food Bank

I know I said I wouldn't be back here for two weeks, but I just had to update you on our trip to the Food Bank with Danica's donation from her Lemonade Stand.

When we walked in, ladies were stocking shelves and doing other necessary activities.  When Danica gave them her donation and a copy of the blog I posted about her Lemonade Stand, they all gathered round the table to look at the pictures.

The lady in the black and white top seemed to be the office manager, and she was very nice to Danica.  Looking right at her, and speaking directly to her, not us.   I am sure it made Danica feel very special.
The lady then took Danica into the office to get her information so she could send her an official thank-you note.
Time to pose for a picture.
The lady then took Danica to the front door and re-arranged the bulletin board to make room for Danica's picture, and the story about her Lemonade Stand.
It was a very proud moment for Danica, and little brother got in on the celebration too.

Thank you staff at the Food Bank for making this a very special event in Danica's life. 

OK, now I think I really am done with blogging for two weeks.  See you at the end of our holiday.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The first round has come to an end

Our first two weeks of Amma and Buppa's Summer Camp have come to an end, and we are now on two weeks!  The kids are going to Montreal for a few days next week, and Toronto the following week, so we will be kidless, footloose, and fancy free for two whole weeks.   I won't be blogging much during the next two weeks.  See you all when we get home.

Here are a few left-over pictures from the past two weeks for your to enjoy.

Waiting for the swimming lesson to begin.

Looking for her swimming teacher's picture
Spiderman on the attack.
What is sister doing on the iPad?

Playtime at the Waterpark.
Swinging and digging
Playdate in the backyard
All ready to jump in the water.
Fun in the neighbour's pool

Chuckles with Buppa
Ready to swim
Listening to his teacher.
Waiting with friends.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Keeping Cool

It has been blazing hot for our second week of babysitting so we have struggled to keep cool
Keeping cool on a hot afternoon calls for ice cream.
Then time spent in the air conditioned house for a rousing game of snakes and ladders.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lemonade Stand

It has been blazing hot here this week, and we have been trying to keep cool by taking the kids to swimming lessons in the mornings, then spending time in the neighbour's pool in the afternoons.  Danica got a bee in her bonnet about having a Lemonade stand and selling lemonade to raise money for the local Food Bank. 

We tried to persuade her to wait for a cooler day to set up her stand, but she was determined to do it this week, and was so enthusiastic about it , we let her go for it.  She made these signs before breakfast on Monday morning, then we found some glasses, purchased some lemonade and prepared for her big business venture.
The top sign was her practise one. 

Here she is happily working on the sign.
Very proud to display it.
All set up in the blazing sunshine, awaiting her first customer.
We were very surprised when this policeman stopped by to purchase a glass of the lemon treat.
Danica was thrilled to make her first sale.
Things slowed down for a while, so she had time to read a story or two before her next customers arrived.

Buppa sat on the porch keeping a close eye on the little cutie.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Cool afternoon at the park

As you can see from the coats, temps have been soaring and dropping like crazy.  No matter what the temps though, the kids have a blast at the park.

Sand and swings, what more could any kid want?

Monday, July 08, 2013

Injury at the water park

The temperatures soared one afternoon, so we set off for the water park to cool down.
The kids took up their posts at the water guns, but soon moved on to other interests.  Danica wanted to swim in the river and JJ wanted to play on the equipment and make mud pies.
Buppa took Dani over to the swimming area, and I stayed near the splash pads with JJ.  When Dani and Buppa returned to our area I saw that Dani was hobbling.  Poor kid cut her toe on a sharp rock, and had to spend some time at the life guard station getting tended to.  That put an end to her water play for that day, as she had quite a deep cut on the bottom of her foot.
She was not at all happy about having to stay out of the water.  But made the best of it after she had a little snack.

Going for a swing seemed to be the perfect thing to do. 
So the afternoon wasn't a complete loss. 

Saturday, July 06, 2013


Don't know what gets into these two from time to time, but sometimes they act sillier than silly. 

The other day they gave Buppa a ribbon hat and jewellery to wear, then had to stand on the arms of his chair for a picture. Yep, sillier than silly!

Friday, July 05, 2013

Ice Cream treat.

It was hotter than blazes here today, so after swim class we took the kids to the ice cream shoppe for a treat.
The ice cream cone sure is drippy...
...but I have things under control now.
JJ did a pretty good job of catching the drips
I think his sticky fingers helped him get a good grip on this pole.
Danica joined in the fun too.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

JJ's last day at daycare

JJ was waiting patiently for us to pick him up at daycare on Friday. Seeing as this was his last day, we took a couple of pictures for the memory book.
Here he is with some of his classmates.

Just about to gather up his belongs from his cubby.

Posing for a picture in front of the playgrounds

Heading out the door with Buppa.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

First day of swimming classes

Well, we survived the first day of Amma and Buppa's summer camp.  Only 8 more to go, but who's counting?

The kids are signed up for swimming classes every morning for the next two weeks, and it is a fun way to spend the morning with them.  Hilarity reigns in the change room after class getting them showered and changed, but somehow we get them dried off, changed and all our gear gathered together to the ride home.
Danica still has tubes in her ears, so she has to wear special ear plugs and headband to keep her ears dry, but she doesn't mind the extra gear and it doesn't hamper her style at all.  She jumped right in and had a smile on her face doing the front dog paddle...
...and the back float.
JJ was eager to get started in his pre-school class.  He was the smallest one, but joined right in enthusiastically with the other kids in the class.
He still needed lots of help from his teachers, and they were happy to oblige.
Danica looked forward to jumping off the small diving board
But she had a bit of a struggle getting to the side, so the teacher quickly jumped in to help her.

All in all a good morning.  We thought we would take a picnic lunch to the park after the class, but cold temps moved in this morning and kept us at home.  Maybe tomorrow we will make it to the park for a picnic.