Monday, July 09, 2012

Busy weekend

No I didn't go to Mars,but I feel like I have been there and back!  We had a busy but fun weekend at Celtfest, and my toes are still a tappin'.  It was grand and glorious indeed. 

Lots of pics are on the camera awaiting attention, but house and garden need tending to first.  The sun shone brightly all weekend, and the garden dried out a bit, so it is first thing on the list, then the laundry baskets have to be emptied. 

Just to tide you over, here is a picture of Smudge at swimming lessons last week.  She went off the diving board without a moments hesitation.  I asked her today what her favorite part of swimming lessons was, and she said jumping off the diving board. 
More than ready, willing and able to jump.

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