Yes, we are home, and boy was my own bed nice to sleep in last night. ZZZZZZZ! We are a bit road weary, but had a great holiday. The nicest part of the holiday being a visit with good friends and exploring their most beautiful corner of the country, Yarmouth, with them.
While I puttered around last night unpacking, AC organized our pictures and informed me that we had taken about 1000! Yes, 1000 pictures! Where do I start, and what do I post? I thought I would be different and start with the road home, seeing as we are finally at home.
AC usually does all the driving when we travel because I get a very sore neck and back after taking the wheel for only about an hour. As it happens, AC picked up a stomach bug in St John and was not feeling good on the day of our departure from Yarmouth, so he asked me to drive the first leg of the journey to Halifax.
Yikesorama! You want ME to drive? Sure, fine, OK!
Up to this point in our travels we had enjoyed sunshine almost every day, but this day dawned cold and rainy...

...and foggy.

Not a great drive I must say.

But it did clear up from time to time and allowed us to do some sightseeing in Lunenburg. A very pretty area with lots of colourfully painted buildings...

and cute little shops.

Of course I had to visit a couple!

Then pose for a pic or two...

...then more shopping...

then a stop to help the fishermen tie up a boat!

We thought it was clearing up as we approached Peggy's Cove...

but no, the fog rolled in again, so we drove right on by and went in search of our hotel.

We had seen lots of pretty sights but this time and were ready to find a comfy spot to rest our heads and regroup for the next day.
Stay tuned, only 900 or so more photos to go!!!!
Didn't you enjoy the old shops and buildings in Lunenburg Cuppa, I love it there and we use to buy fish off the wharf. Haven't seen a rainy, foggy day like this in a long time. Hope AC is feeling better......:-) Hugs
Oh, tell me you bought that gorgeous scarlet bench! Of course, I know you didn't but it would have taken all my willpower to walk away from it into the hat shop.
Fog-driving is never fun and Peggy,s Cove is a good place to avoid in that kind of weather. People get swept out to sea---oh no, that's when it's windy. I get them mixed up.
Bernie - Lunenburg was very pretty indeed. The buildings were all so different and colourful.
AC is feeling a bit better,but is not 100% yet. Sheesh, this is one damnable stomach bug.
Lorna - It was a pretty bench, and...there was more than one! All the benches in that area of the town were intricate iron ones with wooden seats. All were painted bright red and almost sparkled!
We did experience a lot of fog on the drive to Halifax, and always high winds near the water's edge no matter what the weather. At each rocky cliff we visited there were signs to stay clear of the edge and beware of rogue waves that could come in and sweep you out to sea! Yikes!
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