Finally, got some of the BD pics sorted and uploaded. Enjoy.
After his nap, Jboy was excited and ready to party.

Daddy and sister were all set to go too.

Mommy got a snuggle with the boy before the part got into full swing.

Grandmama and her friend Monique were the first guests to arrive,

and they were more than happy to help Jboy eat his lunch before the rest of the guests arrived.

Amma had her camera at the ready...

and Buppa was all decked out in his finery...

so after a hug from his girl,

we were ready for the festivities to begin.

We chowed down on some lunch.

then checked out the cake.

Jboy was sitting at the table and anxious to get his hands on that delicious looking item.

What fun to blow out the candles.

Sister waited patiently...

and was more than willing to help Daddy get the plates ready for the cake and ice cream.

Jboy's first taste of cake...

was experienced with enthusiasm.

Yum, yum, yum!

Now, let me get my hands on some tissue paper.

Yep, it was time to open presents and Sister and Evan were big helpers for that task.

Oh, a Rocking Horse, what fun.

Sister wanted a turn too, and Buppa helped.

Jboy had a bit of a melt down at one point so Buppa was called on again for some help.

Sister also had a quiet word of comfort for little brother.

Sister had another ride on the horse...

and Jboy was content to grab the balloon and pose for a pic with Daddy.

Happy First BD Jboy, you little cutie you!
Looks like a fun time cuppa, just can't help but smile when you see their cute faces......:-) Hugs
What a nice series of photos. It makes you feel like you were there! I especially like the one of you with the plate of food.
Looks like it was a lovely party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JBOY!
Bernie - It was lots of fun. We had a good day.
Doris - Oh the lunch was delicious, and I was more than ready to chow down. Yum!
Mary - It was a good time. Hardly seems possible that he is a year old already though.
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