Grandpa and I decided it was time to take Smudge out for a ride in the car so Mommy could have some quiet time by herself at home. Seeing as it was -20 and snowy outside going for a walk wasn't an option, so we bundled Smudge up and took her for a ride in the car. Cute huh?

At the entrance of the store there is a long hall leading down to the washrooms, and along that hall sits this plastic CNIB dog. Well, Smuge thought he was wonderful. She patted his nose, stroked the top of his head and scratched his feet. She then took off running down the hall to the very end. Grandma ran after her, turned her around and sent her scurrying back down the hall towards Grandpa and the dog. Smudge would pat the dog, rub his nose and take off running again. We repeated this over and over and over again. She got lots of exercise and had fun too. Mommy got to rest for a couple of hours, and Grandpa and I got to make some memories with this most delightful child.

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